How To Hire Me

If you’re interested in hiring me, it’s actually surprisingly easy.

In order to earn a little spending money, I provide tarot readings to the general public. As I’m working on building up a client list, I’m starting out with special low prices. You can get a three card reading via email for $5, a ten card Celtic Cross for $20, or a full year forecast for $25. I’m now on Facebook as Shamanic Tarot, so you can book me there, and we can use Messenger to chat. If you’d prefer a reading via Skype or Discord, I can do that.

I also have an Etsy, if you’d like to use that platform: Zen Shaman Tarot.

Send your payment to my paypal, and then drop me an email with your question to


For other services, I work on an ‘at will’ basis. Email me and ask, and if I can give you what you need, I’ll let you know. Lessons, advice, guidance, and other shamanic services are all well within my wheelhouse. You lose nothing by asking, and you just may get what you need. Don’t worry about the cost, I’ll justify what I ask of you in return for my efforts.

You see, sometimes what is asked is that I put myself into harms way on your behalf, or that I expend energy and effort for you that, by the nature of things, won’t be going to myself or my own loved ones. To keep the scales balanced, when I expend effort for you, you must give back to me the energy that I use for your needs. Energy in this culture is symbolized most easily by money. If you lived close enough to pay me with a live chicken, of course I’d accept barter. But money is easier to quantify.

I hope that if you do choose to reach out to me for my services that we can come to a mutually agreeable arrangement.

In addition to reading tarot and divining the future, I also paint!

You can find my work for sale in my Etsy shop, or support my efforts via my Patreon. I work in watercolor, acrylic, pencil, and ink, and tend towards impressionist/abstract art, with strong line work and zen/shamanic themes. All of the art that you see here on the blog is work I’ve done, and if I can ever figure out how to scan giant paintings you’ll be able to buy prints of them.